C.R. Jhonson accident


il Fù Zam il Bello
brutta storia

I'm surprised that noone has said anything about this before, but C.R. Johnson is fighting for his life in a Utah hospital.

He had dropped a cliff, and crashed. Kye Peterson dropped the same cliff, landed on his head, causing sever head trauma.

Some reports say he was gathering lost equipment, others say that he was leading a train, and it was unavoidable for Kye.

He is currently in a drug-induced coma in the University of Utah Hospital, with a high fever.

Best of wishes to CR, his family, and Kye. I can't imagine what must be going through Kye's head right now.

da quello che ho capito ha saltato da un cliff ed è caduto, peterson è saltato subito dopo e gli è atterrato sulla testa....brutta storia cazzo.... :( :( :(
clod ha detto:

Bella notizia! :B:


CR è stato dimesso dall'ospedale, e pare sarà pronto a tornare sugli sci già verso fine primavera.